Homeless to Happy in a Split Second
Can someone go from homeless to happy in a “split second”?
Sure. No problemo. I’m living proof. Crazy to think several years ago I was moving into my Hyundai Tucson. And yet it was one of the happiest moments of my life. A “have to” situation became a “want to” situation. I wrote a book all about it!
Homeless to Happy in a Split Second entails the adventures I experienced during my first year living on the road. This book is something I’m wildly passionate about. Part of my mission on this beautiful planet of ours is to help people feel a tad better about their less-than-preferable situations. I’ve found that everything in life comes down to perspective. And we always have a choice of perspectives. That means we always have a choice to view something through negative or positive filters. We humans are powerful beyond belief! We can create beauty amidst the messes.
I hope you’ll join me for a wonderful journey through the California coastline. My website here will launch shortly with the simultaneous launch of my book. I can’t wait to share more books with you as well as my artwork, which will be loading to the site soon! Feel free to contact me should you have any questions or would like a private viewing of my art (or need copies of my book for your venue/shop/etc.).
Click here to purchase my book and be sure to grab some inspirational holiday gift copies for your friends and family!
To the journeys ahead….
Wishing all of you the best,
Julie xo